Sunday, October 13, 2013

Meeting Minutes October 9 2013

In attendance: Leyna, Arielle, Luther, Alex, Ruth, Rob.G, Skye

1. A couple of things to remember:
  • Friday, Oct. 25: Abstracts due for the Fall Colloquium on Nov. 8
  • Sunday, Oct. 27: Sky Zone!! 2 PM and approximately $15 for the hour, we're thinking of going out afterwards.
  • Wednesday Oct. 30: Halloween Themed Bake sale, We're dressing up (togas, laurels, etc...)
  • Thursday Oct. 31: Trick or Treat for Winnipeg Harvest, we're meeting at Ruth's house for 6pm. Bring your Student ID's, just in case. Message Leyna or I for address!!!
  • Friday, Nov. 8: Fall Colloquium. 2:30 pm in room 1L07
    • We're going to be talking to classes again, about the Colloquium. Give examples of past papers, time/place, the benefits of going to watch or present at a colloquium and let them know we'll be serving pizzas afterwards and maybe another Pub night . If you have any question for what to talk about let either Leyna or Arielle know know. Info for this is down below.  
2. Social and Winter Colloquium
  • We're aiming for Saturday, March 8th, but nothing is finalized till we talk to Fraser.
  • We want to have it Saturday, March 22.
  • There is a new sign up on the fridge in the common room. Please date and label your food with your name, any rotten or unlabelled food will be thrown out once a week on Thursdays, after the meeting.
  • We are going to have a sign up sheet and we'd really like if everyone signed up for a separate day to clean it out.
  • Also, the fridge needs to be swabbed out/cleaned completely. The last time it was done was two years ago... and it smells. We'll be doing this sometime in the next two weeks and then we'd like people to also sign up to wipe out the inside with a cloth every 3/4 months.
4. Inventory
  • The club wants to plan an inventory day, which would involve the following
    • Sorting, labelling and removing damaged books from the library
    • Dusting... The club will supply the swiffers :D
    • Tidying up and sorting the things in the boxes: figuring what if anything we need to buy for the common room
    • Tidying up anything else in the room (the chessboard, the fridge, etc...)
  • We want to do it soon and let us know if you're interested in staying late one day to help out. Last time we had four people, and it took us an evening. We'll order pizza (which the club is willing to fund) and go out for a drink after.
  • Alex, Myla and Arielle have all said they would do it, Leyna and Rob - a maybe, depending on the day. Anyone else? Let Myla or Arielle know as they've done this before.
5. Fund raising
  • It's important to know what we're doing as a group, and that it's going back (at least in part to us). So what are we doing, any ideas?
    • A scholarship
      • We've talked about it before and we're going to try and do it again.
      • It would be an internal scholarship, so it wouldn't end up on your transcript or anything but...
      • The club would end up paying for one Classics course (cross-listed, or not), approx. $500.
      • We'll come up with the criteria as a group based on previous scholarships we've looked at.
        • So we're thinking possibly an essay question
        • The professor's would choose who would receive it, based on the criteria we set.
  • Classics Challenge!
    • We want to do it again this year - but with some really awesome prizes... think gaming system plus the regular campy Classics stuff.
    • We'll need some volunteers to help come up with some questions/ treasure hunting questions, who won't be participating in the challenge itself.
    • Then we'll post the questions up on the blog.
    • The person with the most correct answers/ points wins
    • Top Three get prizes. :D
      • And it's a great way to get the club out there!
  • Books
    • Any books we're missing after the inventory day/ or new editions that you think we should get, let us know and we'll add it the wish list of things we'd like to get for the room.
  • Social
    • We want to get a door prize this year, it's a good way to get the name of the group out there!
    • Maybe a TV, gaming system or iPad/iPod...
  • Other things:
    • So we asked the group what are some other things you guys wanted to do:
      • Fun days (where the club pays for the day)
        • Laser Tag
        • Classics Party at the end of the year/ exams
        • Supper for the group
  • Budget Meeting:
    • Myla, Leyna and Arielle are having a budget meeting soon, so we'll let you know what's what when we've budgeted for the year... and we'll make this happen
      • (We've figure hat we can probably afford all of this, we just want to make sure we spread it all out so we don't tax ourselves)
      • Bake Sales are profitable - if we have two we can definitely pay for the little things- like a day out with the group :D
6. Sweaters
  • Consensus so far are zippered, but one of us will look into possibly splitting the order and getting half pull-on and half zippered.
  • Most of the styles come in white, black and grey - unless we go with something else. But most said black was fine.
  • Myla found a place that does tote bags... there is a link on the google groups - so take a look and let Myla, Leyna or Arielle know what style you prefer.
  • CONTEST: send your ideas for what should be on our hoodies to or let Myla, Leyna or Arielle know. We want to vote on it in the next two weeks so we can get in the orders soon.
    • As a side note: Pictures/ Images seem to be in this year... we've had slogans for the past couple of years... but if it's good it's good!
7. Suggestions/Open Comments
  • Luther suggested that we do a Toga March to get the club out there... and get some free publicity.
    • Date pending! But we want to do it closer to the social.

      Tuesday : October 22 is the group renewal date, you need to bring a list of members and student numbers (it is in the common room - please write your name and Student ID number on it) as well as a blurb about the group (which we'll provide). Anyone free to go at 5:30? 
      Alex has offered to go- but if anyone else is free, just in case let us know ASAP! 
Info to give to classes when presenting:
Colloquium or a call for papers: Nov.8, 2:30 pm in 1LO7
  • Mini-lectures or a presentation of research, usually given by students
  • It looks good on your CV for universities
  • Gives you good experience for presentations
  • Talk about past papers/presentations: Education in Sparta, Thucydides, Woman in Sparta, Atlantis and Mycenae, Housing in Pompeii
  • We're serving pizza afterwards and going out for a drink.
Email, info, questions, and where to send your abstracts:
Extras: Facebook - The University of Winnipeg Classics Department
  • Please like our page as we update and post information for the whole department
Remind them of these as well, if you have time!
(Twitter: UWCSA

If I've left anything out let us know or post in the comments
-Your Consuls

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