Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mintues from Wednesday September 19th

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the term so far!

Something random but awesome: We officially have an account with Garbonzo's, so when you go dine/drink there tell your server that you are part of the Classics Club or the UWCSA and for every dollar spent we earn one point. For 1000 points we can get $50 which means we could have a nice Social prize or buy food as a group for a Pub Night!

Pub Quiz/Trivia Night: We are hoping for September 29th, starting at either 7 or 8pm. We will confirm with Trevor, the manager at Garbonzo's, tomorrow (September 21st) for the date and time. Everyone will be required to bring a wrapped gift with the maximum value being $10 and that will go into a Grand Mystery Box and the winning team gets to divide the prizes amongst themselves. We will also then start advertising for the event as soon as we know, so hopefully it'll be a big fun event.

CKUW and UWSA's first annual radio student programme marathon: Exciting news! On Tuesday October 16th the UWSA and CKUW are teaming up and producing their first 24 hour marathon where student groups/individuals can advertise or do radio programs. There is a meeting September 21st (tomorrow) in the UWSA general board room from 12:30-1:20 with more information, which Paul is getting for us. However, in the meeting there was general agreement that this could be fun and a great way to advertise the group. Hopefully we can have an hour time slot where we can play some music, give some fun facts about Classics related stuff, and talk about the group (thanks to Alistair for the idea of music, we don't want to bore any listeners!). If you have any suggestions for the radio programme, feel free to email us @, or you can write it down in the binder in the common room (we do check it!), or bring your idea(s) to the next meeting, or if you are part of the Google Groups post a new topic with your ideas because they are all valued and appreciated!

JDCWest: They are part of the business program at the Buhler Centre and they are doing a charity event on Wednesday November 7th from 10am-3pm. They are doing it for six different charities, they will have Virgin Radio (the former Hot 103) and possibly a Jets celebrity (we doubt the Jets player because of the NHL lockout, but who knows what will happen by then). The event is being on the Portage Commons (the field outside Wesley Hall) and there will be a pool where they will take a dive into the pool (like the Polar Bear Dive). As a group no one showed much interest in participating, it will be cold by then, but we could always go watch them that day as they take a dive! However, if anyone is interested or would like more information we can give you the contact's email and you can ask him for further information in regard to the event.

Professor Appreciation Night: Please think of somewhere we can go, not Homer's as some people complained they got sick last year. The date is up to the professors and will perhaps happen again in January.

Bake Sale: The first one will possibly be Wednesday October 3rd since the 8th is Thanksgiving Monday (and the usual day of the week we have are sales on) the university will be closed, we are waiting for confirmation for the table from the UWSA.

Colloquium/Lecture Series: We are going to have our first little colloquium November 16th @ 4pm, we are waiting for confirmation for the room booking. This is also one of our Pub Nights, so after we hear from 2 or 3 presenters we will all head over to Garbonzo's (or somewhere) and have some drinks! If you are interested in presenting your paper or something you are researching please contact us via email with details on your presentation.

Social: We have started to form committees! We have the sign up sheet in the common room in the binder if you are interested in signing up to a committee. The actual jobs for the night of the social will be posted at a later date. Also good news, Holly who is in the History Club says that the History Club may be able to help us with getting donations for the silent auction and volunteering at the social itself. Kerri suggested the title for our social: The Social That Never Ends (in reference to Groundhog Day the movie).

Shirt Ideas: We want them soon, so please come up with some ideas and share them!


Your Consuls 

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