Friday, September 28, 2012

Minutes from September 26th

Hey Everyone!


Now is your weekly update of what went on in the meeting!

Social: We are officially booked for February 2nd 2013 in the Bulman Centre. Fraser from events will be giving us quotes on expenses soon. We will be starting at 9:00pm this year since no one ever really shows up to a social until after nine anyways. The Children's Hospital will remain as the charity that we are fundraising for (sorry Devon!), as it is local and well-known.

Also, Kerri proposed the title of "The Social that Never Ends", there was also the suggestion of "The Night that Never Ends". The suggested titles are referencing to the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray, which is an awesome film, but if anyone has other ideas for a title for the social that's great and we will have a vote on it before making posters.

Mini-Colloquium: We are still waiting to get the room booked, it is being taken care of and we'll keep everyone updated. We will also most likely then go to classes in early November to promote this event and hope to have a nice size audience and then our bigger one will be in March and maybe students (such as first or second year students) will be interested in presenting after seeing how a colloquium runs.

Rumors: We have requested 100 tickets for Saturday October 27th for the 10:30 show. Please see either Remi or myself for tickets, we should have them by Friday or early next week. They cost $15.00 and we receive half the profits from any ticket sales with no loss if we don't sell tickets which is great. We are also able to order more tickets if necessary.

Bake Sale: Our first bake sale of the year will be taking place on Wednesday October 3rd from 11:00 am-2:00pm on the 3rd floor of Centennial (2nd floor was already taken). If you can bring bake goods that is fantastic and greatly appreciated!

Homework for the next meeting:

Think of restaurants that we can possibly go to for Professor Appreciation Night once they have chosen a date. We still have to email the professors when they would like this, but we would still like to have some ideas on where to go.

Shirt Ideas: We have received only a couple ideas so far:
  • Hipster Caesar
  • Venimus, Vidimus, Venimus Iterum (with a Trojan Condom image)
  • or simply Venimus
  • there was also "Goats" randomly written on the white board in the Common Room.
So if you have any ideas, please share them with us by either emailing us @, or bring them to the next meeting, or write them on the white board.

Final bit of news: We have a mascot for the Social! His name is Moe since the Latin name for a groundhog is Marmota Monax, but Moe sounds cuter.  We are also taking pictures of him around campus and it was suggested by Dr. Whately that we should also take pictures of Moe around town.

Why are we taking photos of Moe??? Moe is going to be used in promotion of the social, people will be able to guess where Moe was and win silent auction tickets. The exact set up of this contest will be set up a little later as it gets closer to the date, but it should be fun and a good way to promote the social!

Also, here's a photo of Moe:

Also, Brock University is having a Colloquium of their own in February, we will post the poster that was sent to us once we convert it from pdf to jpeg. However, we can give you some info now: It is being held February 16, 2013 at Brock University (in Ontario) with abstracts due by November 21st. The title of the confrence is Revelations & Revolutions!

Your Consuls,
Myla and Remi

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pub Trivia Night

Hey everyone,

The UWCSA is having their first ever Pub Trivia Night this Friday, September 28th, @ 7:00pm. Come on out, it'll be lots of fun! More details about the event are on the poster below or email us at

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do you need a job?

Hey everyone,

Mintues from Wednesday September 19th

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the term so far!

Something random but awesome: We officially have an account with Garbonzo's, so when you go dine/drink there tell your server that you are part of the Classics Club or the UWCSA and for every dollar spent we earn one point. For 1000 points we can get $50 which means we could have a nice Social prize or buy food as a group for a Pub Night!

Pub Quiz/Trivia Night: We are hoping for September 29th, starting at either 7 or 8pm. We will confirm with Trevor, the manager at Garbonzo's, tomorrow (September 21st) for the date and time. Everyone will be required to bring a wrapped gift with the maximum value being $10 and that will go into a Grand Mystery Box and the winning team gets to divide the prizes amongst themselves. We will also then start advertising for the event as soon as we know, so hopefully it'll be a big fun event.

CKUW and UWSA's first annual radio student programme marathon: Exciting news! On Tuesday October 16th the UWSA and CKUW are teaming up and producing their first 24 hour marathon where student groups/individuals can advertise or do radio programs. There is a meeting September 21st (tomorrow) in the UWSA general board room from 12:30-1:20 with more information, which Paul is getting for us. However, in the meeting there was general agreement that this could be fun and a great way to advertise the group. Hopefully we can have an hour time slot where we can play some music, give some fun facts about Classics related stuff, and talk about the group (thanks to Alistair for the idea of music, we don't want to bore any listeners!). If you have any suggestions for the radio programme, feel free to email us @, or you can write it down in the binder in the common room (we do check it!), or bring your idea(s) to the next meeting, or if you are part of the Google Groups post a new topic with your ideas because they are all valued and appreciated!

JDCWest: They are part of the business program at the Buhler Centre and they are doing a charity event on Wednesday November 7th from 10am-3pm. They are doing it for six different charities, they will have Virgin Radio (the former Hot 103) and possibly a Jets celebrity (we doubt the Jets player because of the NHL lockout, but who knows what will happen by then). The event is being on the Portage Commons (the field outside Wesley Hall) and there will be a pool where they will take a dive into the pool (like the Polar Bear Dive). As a group no one showed much interest in participating, it will be cold by then, but we could always go watch them that day as they take a dive! However, if anyone is interested or would like more information we can give you the contact's email and you can ask him for further information in regard to the event.

Professor Appreciation Night: Please think of somewhere we can go, not Homer's as some people complained they got sick last year. The date is up to the professors and will perhaps happen again in January.

Bake Sale: The first one will possibly be Wednesday October 3rd since the 8th is Thanksgiving Monday (and the usual day of the week we have are sales on) the university will be closed, we are waiting for confirmation for the table from the UWSA.

Colloquium/Lecture Series: We are going to have our first little colloquium November 16th @ 4pm, we are waiting for confirmation for the room booking. This is also one of our Pub Nights, so after we hear from 2 or 3 presenters we will all head over to Garbonzo's (or somewhere) and have some drinks! If you are interested in presenting your paper or something you are researching please contact us via email with details on your presentation.

Social: We have started to form committees! We have the sign up sheet in the common room in the binder if you are interested in signing up to a committee. The actual jobs for the night of the social will be posted at a later date. Also good news, Holly who is in the History Club says that the History Club may be able to help us with getting donations for the silent auction and volunteering at the social itself. Kerri suggested the title for our social: The Social That Never Ends (in reference to Groundhog Day the movie).

Shirt Ideas: We want them soon, so please come up with some ideas and share them!


Your Consuls 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Two More Things

Hey Everyone,

As the title of the post says, two more things related to Classics and possible fun times!

Liyana forwarded us a copy of a PR letter from Duke University, unfortunately it is a PDF and I don't know how to insert it into the blog without it going funny. So I'll give you a link to check out Duke University and what they have to offer for programs related to Classics. If, however, you want a copy of the PR letter email us and we will send you a copy, but it looks like most of the information covered in the letter is there on the site if you go through it.

Next: there is a new weekly event starting Wednesday September 19th until December 12th at Garbonzo's. The event is called Pub Stumpers Trivia! Trevor (the manager) said this in his email: "This is a weekly trivia league which will run every Wednesday until December 12.  We are now recruiting teams of 4-6 to participate.  The winning team each week will receive a free large pizza and a pitcher of Half Pints St. James Pale Ale.  At the end of the season there will be a grand prize for the team who has earned the most points through the season." (I decided to bold the info on free stuff to hopefully entice those who like free things!)

So if anyone is interested in forming a team and wanting to participate in this little weekly event let us know as soon as you can by emailing us so we can email Trevor and form a team. We will also need to come up with the usual awesome Classics related team name.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,
Your Consuls,
Myla and Remi

Minutes From Wednesday

Hey everyone,

First official meeting of the year went well. We would like to thank those who came out! Also, we will be posting here what we decided and discussed in the meeting and we also have the minutes in the binder in the Common Room (4G07) so that everyone will have access to the minutes and can participate even if they cannot make it to the meetings.

Social: We will be having one, hopefully February 2nd (Groundhog Day) and we will also have a groundhog plush animal dressed in a toga! We will be forming committees next week and start to go over budgeting for that as well. Also, we want to do it for charity again for the Children's hospital!

Colloquium: We want to have a min. of 5 people to run it, there was an interest of 8 people during the meeting. We were thinking of doing one in the fall, possibly November or quite possibly doing a small "lecture series" where during the free period or some time on a Friday and then hit the pub afterwards. The "lecture series" would then have just probably 2 or 3 presenters. On another note we want to have a bigger colloquium on March 2nd.

Trick or Treat for Winnipeg Harvest: It will be hosted at Leyna's house, unless things change, but we will post any changes on that.

Fundraiser at Rumours: We want to do this on Saturday October 27th and we will be contacting Rumours shortly.

Pub Nights: We want one on Friday November 16th and the next one in early December. We were also thinking about doing this at Garbonzo's. We also signed up at Garbonzo's for the Loyalty Points reward system, so for every dollar spent there a point is earned. All you will have to do is tell the server that you are part of the Classics Club and we'll earn points!

Pub Trivia/Quiz Night: We spoke with the manager at Garbonzo's and we cannot charge and have a pot of money to be won because that would be against Manitoba Lotteries laws. However, we were thinking that everyone could buy a small gift (max $10) and then the winning team wins the ultimate grand prize of all the gifts!

Zombie Walk: People showed interest and it is on Saturday October 13th this year. More info to come when it gets closer to the date.

Pizza and Bake Sales: We hope to book for the year 2nd floor Centennial at the escalators for Mondays. Every third sale would possibly be a bake sale (those take more effort and time and we don't make as much). We will be having the pizza/bake sales every two weeks. More info to come shortly.

Christmas Baskets: We want to do it and there was a general agreement, so motion was passed!

Classics Challenge: No one wants to run it and it is a lot of work, so we will not be doing a Classics Challenge this year.

Shirt ideas: This will be part of the next meeting! So please feel free to brainstorm and bring your ideas to the meeting or write it on the board in the Common Room or write it in the binder if there is no room on the board.


Your Consuls

Friday, September 7, 2012

AIA/CAM Lecture Series

One last post for today: AIA Lecture Series are back. The first one is Sunday September 23rd at 3 pm. The speaker is: John Dillon on The Alexandrian Quartet: Callimachus, Philo, Origen and Cavafy. Join us at the U of M in University College. Again if you need any directions, email us at and we'll give you directions. They also have a blog where they will post the upcoming lectures:


Your Consuls.


Prof. Golden wanted to let everyone know that the AHEPA scholarships are due Thanksgiving day 8 October 2012. These are a great scholarships worth $2,500 (for Manitoba residents of any cultural background) and $2,000 (for students outside Manitoba of Greek heritage). Anyone interested can let us know and we will send them the form (I seem to have some trouble posting it on this blog without making it ridiculously large).

Also, through the UW there are other scholarships and bursaries available:

The first deadline is September 14th.


Your Consuls

First Meeting

Hello all,

We're due for our first meeting, Wednesday September 12th and we have a lot to discuss. First of all we got the room 2M74. If you have any trouble finding it, email us beforehand at and we'll give you some directions.

Since we have so much to discuss, here's a list of things you can think about before coming to the meeting:

  • Social: whether or not we want to do it
  • Colloquium: when we want it.
  • Trick or Treat for Winnipeg Harvest: where we'd like to do it
  • Peer tutoring and outreaching in classes
  • Fundraiser night @ Rumours
  • Pub Nights: when and Pub Quiz idea (essentially a trivia night)
  • Zombie Walk: who wants to do it
  • Pizza and Bake sales
  • Christmas Baskets
  • Classics Challenge: does anyone want to run it?
In order to make the meetings more efficient, we'll be posting these agenda before every meeting.

See you there!

Your Consuls.