~ The 2010 Classics Students' Colloquium will be a time for interested students from any department at both the UofW and the UofM to gather together and listen to and discuss eachother's presentations, thoughts, ideas, research papers, and crazy hypotheses.
The aim of this event is not only to have students share their work with one another, but also to provide an opportunity for students to practice speaking in public, to participate in the sort of event that is an asset for any grad school resume, to meet other students with similar interests and create a stronger community of Classicists within the city of Winnipeg.
Date & Time
~ Saturday, March 6th. Time TBA depending on number of entries - tentative start time 3pm.
A schedule of presentations will be posted after the deadline for submissions.
~ University of Winnipeg. Room TBA depending on number of expected participants.
~ Each student will be allotted 10-20 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Presentations must relate to Classical Studies. Audio/visual equipment will be available for those who wish to use power point etc.
~ Any student from any department at either the University of Winnipeg or the University of Manitoba is eligible for entry. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. Interested parties from other schools or non-students should contact
~ To register to give a presentation, you must fill out the form posted on this blog (under Colloquium 2010 Submission Form) before Friday, February 26th, 2010. You do not have to have your presentation finished and ready before you submit - all we need are a few basic details so that we can make a schedule and make sure that no two presentations will cover the exact same topic. Don't worry too much about trying to sound overly scholarly in your submission - we're not looking for your thesis proposal, and nobody will be turned away.
Opening Speaker
~ We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jane Cahill, Chair of the Department of Classics at the UofW has agreed to be our opening speaker (so don't worry about having to be the first one up!).
~ will indeed be served.
Pub Night
~ After the colloquium has finished, we will head over to a nearby pub for (optional) drinks and a chance to make new friends and connections within the Classics community. It is, after all, a Saturday night.
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