Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Amy Day!

Today is Amy's Birthday!

In her honour, I would like to cordially invite you all to a dinner party. This guy's dinner party. You can RSVP in the comments section.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Did you know?

We have the best faculty of any department anywhere
I swear it's true.

They are the most caring, helpful, approachable, knowledgeable professors that any student could ever dream of having.  We are really and truly lucky to have them, and boy do we ever appreciate it!

To show them, we took them out for dinner and showered them with praise and presents. I think they liked it.
You can see all the photos from the evening on our Facebook page.

We also gave them awards... the best awards they'll ever receive, I'm sure.

So, to Jane Cahill, Keith Collins, Shari Degenstein, Matt Gibbs, 
Mark Golden, Pauline Ripat, and Conor Whately -
thank you for everything that you do for us.

Jane Cahill

The Scariest Example Giver Award

For Dr. Jane Cahill, who has terrified all of her Latin students with the 
thought of boys being beaten with sticks. 

Keith Collins

The Best Grammarian Award

For Dr. Keith Collins, whom teached us to read and write and translate so goodly: better then we could has done before he come along; Its great to finally be able to talk so good.

Matt Gibbs

The Most Colourful Lecturer Award

For Dr. Matt Gibbs, who makes it impossible to fall asleep in his class for fear of missing something interesting. We also really like your morning rants.

Mark Golden

The Side Splitting Comedian Award

For Dr. Mark Golden, who has taught us to love voles, puns, and Classics jokes.

Pauline Ripat

The Who You Gonna' Call Award
"When there's something strange
in the ancient world
Who you gonna call?
Dr. Ripat!"

For Dr. Pauline Ripat, who is the first in our line of defense against ghosts, witchcraft, and magic of all kinds. We feel safer for having her around.

Conor Whately

The Good Times Award


For Dr. Conor Whately, who is the only person who would consider war to be a good time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pompeii in trouble

This article by CNN outlines the troubles that the site of Pompeii is currently experiencing. 

Five buildings have collapsed in the last month, including the House of the Gladiators (see photo).

If you haven't been there yet - go now - it might not be around forever.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Remi Day!

Why was everyone born around the same time?

Today is Remi Day! 

Remi, I'm so glad that you were born that I found this awesome video to entertain you on your birthday.  I hope your day is spectacular!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Angie Day!

Because we haven't had enough Birthday posts lately, here's one more ...

It's Angie Day today!  
The baby of the family is finally growing up - we're so proud of you Angie!

You'll be a master juggler like this guy one day - just keep practicing!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Brittany Day!

Today is Brittany's Birthday! 

Here's an entertaining video in honour of her birth.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Jennesa Day!

Well guys, I'm 25 today. 
Is it weird to write my own Happy Birthday post? 

Probably. But nobody else has access to this account, 
so I'm doing it anyway.

Happy Birthday to me! Yay!

In honour of quarter century birthday, here's a wonderful video about the Minoans.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Conference 2011

Undergraduate Classical Studies Conference February 19, 2011

~ The 2011 UofW Undergraduate Classical Studies Conference will be a time for interested students from any department at any university or college to gather together, listen to, and discuss eachother's presentations, thoughts, ideas, research papers, and crazy hypotheses.
The aim of this event is not only to have students share their work with one another, but also to provide an opportunity for students to practice speaking in public, to participate in the sort of event that is an asset for any grad school resume, to meet other students with similar interests and create a stronger community of Classicists within the province of Manitoba.

Date & Time
Saturday, February 19th 2011.
A schedule of presentations will be posted and e-mailed to all speakers after the deadline for submissions.

University of Winnipeg (515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB). Room 3D01. E-mail for directions.

Each student will be allotted 15 minutes for their presentation including time for questions. Presentations must relate to Classical Studies. Audio/visual equipment will be available for those who wish to use power point etc.

~ Some people prefer to use Power Point presentations, videos, handouts, or other visual aids. Others choose to simply read a paper aloud. The choice is yours.

Any undergraduate student from any department at any post-secondary institution is eligible for entry. Everyone is welcome to observe.

To register to give a presentation, you must fill out the form (can be found here) before Tuesday, February 1st, 2011. You do not have to have your presentation finished and ready before you submit - all we need are a few basic details so that we can make a schedule and make sure that no two presentations will cover the exact same topic. Don't worry too much about trying to sound overly scholarly in your submission - we're not looking for your thesis proposal, and nobody will be turned away.

will indeed be served. 

Eating and Enjoyment
~ Either lunch or dinner (or both) reservations will be made for a nearby restaurant. Everyone is welcome but not obliged to attend.
After the conference has finished, we will head over to a nearby pub for (optional) drinks and a chance to make new friends and connections within the Classics community. It is, after all, a Saturday night.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trick or Treat!

I know this is very late, but I blame the troubles with my camera's SD card.

A HUGE THANK - YOU goes out to everyone who helped us trick-or-treat for Winnipeg Harvest this Halloween.

We collected  huge amounts of non-perishables, and a few funny stories ...

We also got one open bag of Fudgee-o cookies ... but we took care of those.

An extra Thank You goes out to ALISTAIR for taking it upon himself to drop all of this food off at the less-than-convenient Winnipeg Harvest donation centre.
We appreciate that it wasn't us Ali, so thanks a million!

Look at all that food!
Go team!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Grad Schools

Dr. Ripat, Dr. Whately and Dr. Gibbs 
have kindly organized an informational meeting about 
graduate studies in Classics.

 "We will discuss such topics as graduate school entrance requirements (and thus undergraduate degree planning), the differences between Canadian, American, and British programmes, and graduate programmes/professions other than in Classics that might be pursued with a Classics degree.  There will be time for attendees to ask questions."

I strongly encourage you to attend if you have any desire to attend graduate school in the future.

*Wednesday, November 24th during the free period (12:30-1:20) in 3C27*

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Christian Day!

Congratulations Christian, you are now older than you were 79 minutes ago.

Good job having a Birthday!

I tried to find a Classical-looking cake for you, but failed miserably at finding an appropriate one. So instead, here are a whole bunch of inappropriate ones.


I think those cupcakes even say something close to 
the equivalent of the English "Happy Birthday".

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Movie Night

Movie Night
Thursday, November 18th

7pm in the Mezzanine of the Bulman Centre

Join us for snacks, movies, and good times!
(your attendance is strongly recommended)

We'll be watching Disney's "Hercules" at 7pm and "Hercules in New York" starring Arnold Shwartzenegger after that.

  How can you resist those biceps?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AIA Lectures

On Sunday, November 7th at 3pm in 237 University College (UofM)
Dr. Steven Tuck from Miami University will give a presentation entitled

De Arte Gladiatoria: Recovering Gladiatorial Tactics from Artistic Sources

Lectures are free and open to everyone


For your entertainment

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The UW Classics Club wants you to

Dress like a Greek or Roman Zombie

for the
Zombie Walk
on Saturday Oct 23rd

Meet in the common room (4G07) at 7:15pm

Sunday, October 17, 2010

AIA Lectures

 Sunday 24 October 2010 @ 3PM  237 University College

 "Resurrecting Dead Romans: Reconstructing the Lives
of Slaves and Freedmen from Their Tombs and Epitaphs"
Dr. Linda Maria Gigante
Department of Fine Arts, University of Louisville
 This lecture will focus on the funerary art of Rome's slaves and freed persons, in particular tombs and epitaphs dated to the first and second centuries CE.
Scholars in the field of Roman studies have witnessed significant developments in the interdisciplinary examination of slaves and former slaves.  References to the non elite in ancient sources provide us with an insightful perspective on the ways in which privileged Romans regarded the lower echelon of society.  Additionally, there are large numbers of epitaphs from the city of Rome commemorating slaves and freed persons, as well as tombs in which they were interred by family members, patrons, and colleagues. 


Picture this:

     illo modo volvo


(only in silhouette)
(translates loosely to 'that's how I roll')

Don't you want a t-shirt that looks like that?

How convenient! You can order one for only $20.
Sign up in the common room
and give your money to Jennesa by October 27th.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pub Night

Pub Night

This Friday - Oct 15th

@ Kings Head Pub

Free Appetizers

Be there.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bake Sale


to everyone who helped out with the bake sale today (including those of you who helped by eating). Everything was delicious.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The best video yet

Bake Sale

Don't forget!

Bake Sale

Monday, October 4th

2nd floor by the escalators
11am ish - 2:30pm ish

Come by and buy something or drop off your contribution at the table or in the fridge in the common room beforehand (label it 'bake sale' and we'll take it down with us).

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Poor Bat-Winged Pegasus

I think he's addicted.

And it is a good thing that Pegasi can't read or he might choose a brand with better editors on staff.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Silly Web Designers

So I was editing some of the blog settings just now, and got very excited when I noticed that some of the sample text was in Latin!

I thought, 'wow, how cultured of them! This is awesome!'

But then of course I had to try to figure out what it said.  As far as I can tell, it's nothing but gibberish. And I'm pretty sure that sadipscing isn't even a real word.

They were so close to impressing me.

But look, now you can choose reactions to each blog post!

Meeting with the Dean

On Wednesday September 29th our regularly scheduled Classics Club meeting will begin in the 

office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts.

We have an appointment to see him from 3:30-4pm. 
We will discuss all of our awesome plans for the year, and ask for monetary support from the faculty.

So come down and help us. Or just come to the rest of the meeting in the common room afterward and we'll tell you what happened.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It has been decided.

This year's T-shirts will feature the slogan

"illo modo volvo"

with a picture of someone (possibly Zeus) driving a chariot on the front of the shirt, and the UofW logo that we designed last year on the back.

If you can translate that, you should probably buy one. If you can't, you should probably take Latin and then buy one. If you don't want to take Latin, you can just come to our next meeting and I'll tell you. It's funny. You'll like it. 

T-shirts will go on sale soon.  They are custom ordered, so make sure you let us know if you want one!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Alex Day!

Well Alex, today is your Birthday.

We all hope that it's wonderful.

I wanted to make some witty, birthday-related Classics joke, but it's late, and I'm not that funny, so I found this photo for you instead. I hope you enjoy it.

A pet peeve

So I was out looking at Halloween costumes today, and I noticed a very disturbing trend.

There were a number of different, generic 'Roman Goddess' or 'Greek Goddess' costumes, which (apart from their complete lack of research about accurate portrayal of ancient attire) are perfectly adequate for the layperson.


There were at least two different Athena costumes that included only a white toga-style robe (ugh, we won't even discuss this) and a gold crown. Seriously, a gold crown! Why!? I don't understand. It looked like that paper crown that you used to be able to get from Burger King.

Why on Earth would Athena have a gold crown? And NO other identifying markers. They could have at least given her an owl. Would that have been so hard?

Come on, costume companies. Hire a Classics student to do some research for you. Really.

Scratched in Stone: The Isis Temple Graffiti Project

Come out on
Monday, September 27th

at 9:30am

in Eckhardt Grammate Hall

for a lecture about the graffiti in the Temple of Isis

Woo Hoo!

(also a good opportunity to meet most of the members of the Classics Club and make connections with professors)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Classics Club

Welcome back to a new year at UW!

Classics Club meetings have been scheduled for Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 in the common room (4th floor of Graham Hall).

We have big plans for the year, so come down and check us out! Everyone with an interest in Classics is welcome!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now on Facebook

Visit the UofW Classics Department's Facebook page.

A Baby!

Congratulations to Dr. Gibbs and his wife on the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Livia - we're all so pleased with your choice of name!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stay Tuned ...

Keep checking the blog throughout the summer for upcoming events and other exciting things ... with Classics, the fun never stops!

Good luck to everyone on your exams!

If you come up with any brilliant ideas for something that the Classics Club ought to do, please send us an e-mail at - we'd love to hear from you!

Challenge Results

The first ever University of Winnipeg Classics Challenge is officially over.

And we have winners!

Congratulations to

Elayna Bergen - 1st place
Christian Boulley - 2nd place
Jared Enns - 3rd place

These three will be getting some awesome prizes! 

A big thank you goes out to all of our contest participants and sponsors.
We had a lot of fun, and we hope that you did too!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Ever wondered what happens when Titans clash?

Now is your chance to find out! (well, not really ... it's actually about Perseus I think).

BUT - you should come anyway.

Clash of the Titans night - Friday, April 9th. 9:45pm showing at Silver City St. Vital. Meet us at 9:30 where the theatre meets the food court. Good times will be had.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week #9 - 1

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your response.

Week #9 - 2

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your response.

Week #9 - 3

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your response.

Week #9 - 4

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your response.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Save Classics at Leeds

An excerpt from the University of Leeds' Classics Blog.

Sign their petition to help save the Classics department.


In the context of current government cuts in funding to UK universities, the University of Leeds is going through an ‘economies exercise’.

We already know that the number of staff in Classics will be reduced from next year, and as a result we have been forced to discontinue our degrees in Greek and Latin. The final intake onto these degree programmes will be in September 2010.

But the University is also considering a proposal to remove Classics altogether. This would mean the end of over one hundred years of Classical research and teaching at Leeds.

We recognise that some restructuring is necessary and even desirable, but we do not accept that it is desirable or necessary to destroy popular and healthy degrees in Classical Civilisation (BA) and Classical Studies (MA) – particularly now that they will provide the only platform for teaching the ancient languages at Leeds.

What can you do?

We invite you to support our efforts to remind the University of the value of Classics as a subject, the contribution that Classics at Leeds has made both nationally and internationally, and the need to protect the expertise and provision of the only remaining Classics department in Yorkshire.

Monday, March 22, 2010

More Hints

Hint for Bonus #1 (finding the letters of the Greek alphabet).

Take as many different routes to the common room as possible. Look in all directions.

Also remember that next week is the last week for the Classics Challenge!

Challenge #8

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 28th to submit your response.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Challenge #8

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 28th to submit your response.

More Bonus Points ...

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 28th to submit your response.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hint for Bonus #1

Remember that you still have until the end of the contest to submit your answers for Bonus Question #1 (finding all the letters of the Greek alphabet around the school).

Hint: You'll find 'rho' when you're feeling hungry (rho is the letter that looks like a p and sounds like an r).

Challenge #7

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 21st to submit your response.

Challenge #7

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 21st to submit your response.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Colloquium Schedule

Schedule and details for the colloquium.

Room - 3D01 - University of Winnipeg (3rd floor, Duckworth, room 1 - this room is just on the Duckworth side of the overpass that crosses Spence St. between the Duckworth building and the main building).

Time - 2:30 until approximately 7pm (this Saturday, March 6th)

Snacks and refreshments will be served, but we intend to eat supper afterward at Tavern United on Hargrave St. (where they have graciously offered to give us 10% off of food and drinks), followed by a night of general merry-making.

Spectators are welcome.


Dr. Jane Cahill (UW)

Jennesa Dyck (UW) - Humanizing Antiquity: The Skeletons of Herculaneum

Scott Berthelette (UM) - Imperial Ambition or Filial Devotion: An Investigation into the Relationship between Tiberius and Sejanus.

Alex Kroeger (UW) - Greek Mythology in Contemporary Children's Literature

Joseph Gerbasi (UW) - Epicurus and the Problem of Physiologia

Curtis Burbella (UW) - Alexander the Great: Son of Phillip; Son of Zeus

Melina Sturym (UW) - Water in Ancient Religious and Magic Rituals

Lisa Latour (UM) - Slingers in Homer

Brittany Restall (UW) - Hegesias on the Birth of Alexander the Great

Brittany Romano (UW) - The Use of Wool in Sacrificial Rituals

Devon Berofe (UW) - Hero of Alexandria

Sasha Suarez Amaya (UW) - Fathers in Plautine Comedy

Kaitlyn Boulding (UW) - The Medea Messenger Speech: From Graphic Horror to Comic Humour.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dr. Whately is giving a talk!

This Friday, March 5th at 4pm at 376 University College (UofM) Dr. Whateley will be giving a talk entitled "Moesian Vexillations".

Come out and show your support!

Hard Question

Easy Question

Friday, February 26, 2010

Colloquium Deadline

Reminder - the deadline for colloquium submissions is today - Friday, February 26th.  If you are interested in presenting, please fill out the form before the end of the day.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch.  Schedule will be posted within the next few days.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Stop by the bake sale on Thursday (2nd floor by the escalators) to check out the prize packages for the Classics Challenge!

Top three contestants will win a prize - first place finisher gets first choice.

Prize #1 - Laptop bag/backpack (donated by the on-campus computer store), a night at the movies for two ($20 Cineplex gift card), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Prize #2 - Dinner for two at Kristina's on Corydon ($50 gift certificate for an excellent Greek restaurant), UofW sweatshirt & t-shirt (donated by the bookstore), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Prize #3 - DVDs (Clash of the Titans, 300, Troy, Troy Documentary), candy, popcorn, UofW pen & pencil set (donated by the bookstore), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bake Sale

Bake sale this Thursday (Feb 25th) by the escalators on the 2nd floor.

Bring your change and come hungry!

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 28th to submit your response.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 28th to submit your response.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Classics Night

Don't forget about movie night tomorrow!

Thursday, February 18th - 5:30pm at St. Vital mall we're meeting outside of Chapters to have some delicious food court meals then going to see the 6:45 showing of Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.

Good times are sure to ensue!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bonus Challenge #3

25  bonus points will be awarded to anyone who participates in the student Colloquium on March 6th.  All of the details can be found in earlier blog posts. Deadline for submissions is February 26th. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Points Chart

The detailed list of points will be posted here each week.  The totals will be posted in the chart on the right side of the blog each week.

Name #1 easy #1 hard #1 bonus #2 easy #2 hard #2 bonus Total
C. Boulley 5 8 0 9 10 0 32
Jared 0 0 0 9 0 0 9
E. Bergen 0 0 0 9 0 0 9
L. Walters-Unrau 0 0 0 7 0 2 9
B. Restall 3 5 0 0 0 0 8
L. Broderick 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
A. Mowat 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your response.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your answer.

Bonus Challenge #2

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your response.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hint for Bonus Challenge #1

If you are having trouble finding the Greek letters, just check with our sponsors (UW Classics Department, UW Bookstore, on-campus Computer Store).

Dinner and a Movie

Classics night is here again!

Thursday, February 18th
at 5:30pm

meet us at the St. Vital food court outside of Chapters
to enjoy delicious food court meals
then watch (at 6:45pm):

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Just look for the Classics Club t-shirts to find us.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Answers to Challenges from previous weeks will be posted in the comments section of each Challenge.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week #1 Answers

If you submitted an answer for week #1, but did not receive a confirmation e-mail, please e-mail

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 14th to submit your answer.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 14th to submit your answer.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Latin Dictionary Anyone?

Here's a little something for those of you struggling through Latin and getting sick of spending so much time looking words up in your dictionary ...

It's a Latin dictionary program called Words.  Such a time saver, and generally very reliable. Just click the link and follow the download instructions.

A big thanks to Alex for finding this one!

If anyone ever finds an equivalent program for Greek - let me know!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Challenge #1

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7th to submit your answer.

Challenge #1

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7th to submit your answer.

Bonus Challenge

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your answer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bake Sale

The time has come again!

We'll be hosting a bake sale on Thursday, February 25th by the 2nd floor escalators.

If you want to contribute, you can drop off your baking in the Classics common room (labeled 'bake sale') or come and find us at our table.

If not, come and buy something! We'll have lots of delicious treats!

Proceeds go toward the support of Classics Club events.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Classics Club T-Shirts

Are you insanely jealous of our super-awesome Classics Club T-shirts? (pictured in profile top right)

You can have your own!

At half price!

That's right - our first order of t-shirts was misprinted - one letter of a Latin word is missing (same word, different case) - and so we're selling them for 50% off - now only $10! How many of your friends will be able to correct the Latin grammar anyway?

Unisex sizes Medium - XXL available. Please e-mail to order yours!

Dinner and a Movie

Join us for Dinner and a Movie Night on Thursday, February 18th (reading week).

Restaurant is still TBA - but we're going to go see "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief" at St. Vital (time TBA when showtimes come out).

If you're interested, e-mail me at or keep checking this post or the calendar for updated times and places.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Classics Challenge Details

The Classics Challenge is a contest open to all students at the University of Winnipeg. Each week throughout February and March, two questions or challenges (one easy and one hard) will be posted on the Classics Club blog. Contestants will submit their responses for points - the top three contestants who have earned the most points throughout the challenge will receive wonderful prizes courtesy of the Classics Club and the UofW Classics Department.

Have some fun!

Rules & Regulations

~ Contestants may answer both or either of the questions each week. Hard questions are worth up to 10 points, easy questions are worth up to 5 points.

~ Answers are subject to deliberation by the contest committee and may not receive full points (the more thoroughly you answer, the more points we'll give you! Impress us).

~ Points totals will be posted online each week so you can keep track of where you stand and how many points you earned for your previous answers.

~ New questions will be posted on Mondays from February 1st until March 29th.

~ Responses must be submitted by 11:59pm the following Sunday. No answers will be accepted after this deadline.

~ Responses must be submitted via the form associated with that week's question on the Classics Club's blog. Do not use forms from previous weeks - your answers will tragically be lost forever. In the event that you are unable to access the blog, or the forms malfunction, you may submit your responses as an e-mail to

~ We encourage you to do research to find your answers, but please don't plagiarize - we'll laugh to ourselves and then give you zero points.

~ Prizes: when prize packages have been finalized, details will be changed here. 1st place - prizes valued at $50, 2nd place - prizes valued at $30, 3rd place - prizes valued at $20.

A big Thank-You goes out to our sponsors:
The University of Winnipeg Classics Department

The University of Winnipeg Bookstore
The on-campus Apple store

Colloquium 2010

Thank-you for your submission!

Colloquium 2010 Details

~ The 2010 Classics Students' Colloquium will be a time for interested students from any department at both the UofW and the UofM to gather together and listen to and discuss eachother's presentations, thoughts, ideas, research papers, and crazy hypotheses.
The aim of this event is not only to have students share their work with one another, but also to provide an opportunity for students to practice speaking in public, to participate in the sort of event that is an asset for any grad school resume, to meet other students with similar interests and create a stronger community of Classicists within the city of Winnipeg.

Date & Time
Saturday, March 6th. Time TBA depending on number of entries - tentative start time 3pm.
A schedule of presentations will be posted after the deadline for submissions.

University of Winnipeg. Room TBA depending on number of expected participants.

Each student will be allotted 10-20 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Presentations must relate to Classical Studies. Audio/visual equipment will be available for those who wish to use power point etc.

Any student from any department at either the University of Winnipeg or the University of Manitoba is eligible for entry. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. Interested parties from other schools or non-students should contact

To register to give a presentation, you must fill out the form posted on this blog (under Colloquium 2010 Submission Form) before Friday, February 26th, 2010. You do not have to have your presentation finished and ready before you submit - all we need are a few basic details so that we can make a schedule and make sure that no two presentations will cover the exact same topic. Don't worry too much about trying to sound overly scholarly in your submission - we're not looking for your thesis proposal, and nobody will be turned away.

Opening Speaker
~ We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jane Cahill, Chair of the Department of Classics at the UofW has agreed to be our opening speaker (so don't worry about having to be the first one up!).

will indeed be served.

Pub Night
After the colloquium has finished, we will head over to a nearby pub for (optional) drinks and a chance to make new friends and connections within the Classics community. It is, after all, a Saturday night.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello World!

Welcome to the University of Winnipeg Classics Club's blog!

Check regularly for upcoming news and events including:
1st Annual Classics Student's Colloquium
The Classics Challenge
Movie Nights
Pub Nights
and more!

If you are interested in joining the UW Classics Club, or you just want to know more about who we are and what we do, please send an e-mail to