Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 4 Moe contest

Hey everyone,

This is the last week to enter the contest to win a social ticket to the Toga Party happening this Saturday! Last week Moe was located on the 2nd floor of Centennial and at the Temple of Hatsheput in Egypt, unfortunately no one entered last week, so there was no winner.

So what are the locations Moe is visiting now:

Good luck everyone and remember to email your answers to

Your consuls,
Myla and Remi

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23rd Meetings and March Colloquium

Hey everyone,

It was a very short meeting today and we mostly discussed social related stuff. It seems that we are on track and everything is coming together nicely, so this blog will be very short.

The first Pub Night of the semester has been decided, it will be on February 15.

Here is the poster for the March colloquium:
Also, abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Any questions about the colloquium feel free to email us at

Your consuls,
Myla and Remi

Monday, January 21, 2013

Moe Cointest Week 3

Hey everyone,

Where has Moe visited this week? Remember to email with your answers and we'll choose a winner on Friday!

Good luck everyone!

And just as a reminder, there will be a bake sale this Wednesday, January 23rd on the 3rd of Centennial Hall.

Your consuls,
Myla and Remi

Friday, January 18, 2013

Minutes from January 16th

Hey everyone,

So there is not a lot to say about this week's meeting as it was very casual this week. We mostly asked for everyone to keep selling social tickets and hand out donation letters. So far we are doing pretty well with donations, we just have to start picking them up next week.

We have decided that we will worry about the scholarship/bursary in February after the social, less stressful for everyone.

We, the consuls, will also choose a Pub Night for February and let you all know when and where.

Also, there will be a bake sale on Wednesday, January 23rd on the 3rd floor of Centennial. Please in bake goods or buy bake goods!

Finally, congratulations to Alexandra Kroeger for winning this week's contest!  The correct answers were The King's Bath (Bath, England) and the Reference section in the UofW library.

Your consuls,
Myla and Remi

Monday, January 14, 2013

Moe Contest Week 2


Can you tell me where Moe is this week? It's a little more specific this week.

Hint for image 1: It looks like Moe might take a bath.

Remember to email your answers to before Friday as the winner is drawn and announced on Friday.

Good luck everyone!

Student Employment Opportunity


Are you unemployed and need a job? Well Dr. MacKinnon is hiring a student for the semester and here are the details:

Student Employment Opportunity


Total hours available :

approximately 50 hours @ $11.35/hour (plus vacation pay)

Employment period:

flexible hours, to be completed by April 30, 2013


1)      assist with research into aspects of animal use in Greek and Roman antiquity

2)      editing of database of animal references (in translation) from Greek and Roman texts


Completion of at least 90 credit hours

Classics major preferred

Basic language training in Greek and/or Latin an asset (but not mandatory)



Dr. Michael MacKinnon

Department of Classics

University of Winnipeg

office: 4CM15


Application process:

Please provide the following materials to Dr. MacKinnon (deadline for applications is Monday Jan 28, 2013):

1) name, contact information (email, phone number, UWinnipeg student number)

2) a list (with grades) of Classics and Archaeology courses taken

3) a short statement (c. 150 words) outlining your interest in Classical Archaeology

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 9th Minutes

Hey everyone!

The answers to Week 1 of the Moe contest were A) Pompeii and B) Classics Common Room! Congrats to Rick Zdan who won the social ticket for this week. Remember guys there are three more weeks of the contest, so three more tickets are to be won! Week 2 will be posted on Monday.

Shirts are in, so if you ordered a shirt please pay ($15) either to Remi or myself to receive your shirt.

Scholarship/Bursary: In the next meeting we will further discuss what the criteria will be for those who want to apply for the bursary/scholarship that will be done internally by the UWCSA. It is generally agreed that there should be a minimum of 6 credit hours in Classics and an interest in continuation with Classics. Any suggestions, bring them to the meeting, email us, or post on the google groups.

CAC: There are volunteer opportunities to work the registration desk May 13th-15th. If you are interested in volunteering let us know and we can forward you the details and who to get in contact with. Also, we are thinking of doing a special bake sale to help raise funds for the CAC, which then helps to bring in speakers.

Pub Trivia Night/Pub nights: There will be one on March 3rd after the colloquium. We are thinking of having a pub night, but after the Toga Party, we will have to decide on a date later on.

Colloquium: We will book the room from 10-6pm and open the invite to students at UofM. We will also allow 10 minutes for presentations and 5 minutes for questions. A definite time start will be decided upon as we approach the day and know how many presenters we will have.

Social: We are urging everyone to please hand out social donation letters and posting on the google groups the places you have been to. Remember if you sign up for a job for the night of the social you get in for free. Moreover, if you sell 10 social tickets you will receive a free drink ticket or an arm's length of silent auction tickets. That is an awesome bonus for those who are selling tickets!

Wednesday January 16th meeting will be a meet and greet to welcome and encourage newcomers to join our club! There will also be free snacks and drinks!

Your consuls,
Myla and Remi

Monday, January 7, 2013

1st Week of Moe contest!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to school! To kick off the year to a good start we are holding a contest for the month of January! Every week we'll post two pictures of Moe and you have to guess correctly (for both pictures) where Moe is.

What's the prize?

It's one ticket to the Classic Club's social: Toga Party! (Saturday, Febuary 2nd). It'll be a blast and The Solutions will be playing once again!

How do you enter the contest?

You only have to simply email us @ and on Friday we will choose a lucky winner and email them and post the lucky winner's name on Facebook.

Here are this week's photos:

Good luck!
Your Consuls,
Myla and Remi