Monday, February 6, 2012

Classics Colloquium!

     You are hereby formally invited to participate in our 3rd annual UWCSA Classics Colloquium on Saturday March 3rd. As in previous years, we warmly encourage you to come and speak a little on your own research, or if you prefer, to simply attend and enjoy. The event will run from 10:00am to approx. 2:00pm in room 3D01, and refreshments will be provided. Afterwards there will be an excursion to Garbonzo's Pizza Pub, which is right next door.

     If you do wish to make a presentation, please submit an abstract to by Feb. 27th at the latest. The room is power point friendly, for those of us who are technologically inclined. The presentations will be max 15 minutes, with a 5 minute question period.

Hope to see you there!