Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello, hello, one and all! The new school year has begun, and the Classics Club (now under new management) has started up as well! We've got some exciting stuff in the offings, just you wait.

In case you're wondering, the club meets at 12:30 every Wednesday, in the Classics and Philosophy Common Room (4G07) until further notice (we're looking into finding a bigger room, due to the splendidly high number of new-comers this year - more on that as news becomes available).

Some highlights from the meetings to date (in case you missed them):
- We're working on putting together a Classics Club scholarship! More on that later...
- Zombie Walk/Pub Night, Oct. 14th! We're dressing up as Roman zombies, and it will be AWESOME.
- A Pizza sale will be coming soon to a campus near you! Details to follow...
- Ideas for this year's t-shirts are being sought - let us know if you come up with something witty!
- And much, much more!