Monday, January 31, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Classics Challenge 2011!!

Dear everybody,

     As my first official act as co-administrator of this illustrious blog, it is my honour and privilege to announce to you the rules and regulations pertaining to this year's UWCSA CLASSICS CHALLENGE!!

The Classics Challenge is a contest open to all students at the University of Winnipeg. Each week throughout February and March, two questions or challenges (one easy and one hard) will be posted on the Classics Club blog. Contestants will submit their responses for points - the top three contestants who have earned the most points throughout the challenge will receive wonderful prizes courtesy of the UWCSA and the U of W Classics Department.

Have some fun!

Rules & Regulations

~ Hard questions are worth up to 10 points, easy questions are worth up to 5 points.

~ Answers are subject to deliberation by the contest committee and may not receive full points (the more thoroughly you answer, the more points we'll give you! Impress us).

~ Points totals will be posted online each week so you can keep track of where you (and your competitors) stand and how many points you have earned.

~ New questions will be posted every Monday from February 7th until March 28th. 

~ Responses must be submitted by 11:59pm the following Sunday. No answers will be accepted after this deadline.

~ Responses must be submitted via the form associated with that week's question on the Classics Club's blog. Do not use forms from previous weeks - your answers, tragically, will be lost forever. In the event that you are unable to access the blog, or the forms malfunction, you may submit your responses by e-mail to

~ We encourage you to do research to find your answers, but please don't plagiarize - we'll laugh to ourselves and then give you zero points.

Sweet Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place TBA

~ Rest assured, they will be awesome.

  Well, that about covers it. Put on your researchin' caps and get ready for two months of CLASSICS-THEMED FUN!

Yours, fondly,

-This guy. XOXO

Adventures in Rome

Fridays 1:30-3:30pm

Starting January 28th.

Be there.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Our current co-chairs, Jennesa and Melina, are both graduating this year. Sad, I know.  How will the group ever get on without them? I'll tell you how!

With the wise, enlightened, and omnipresent guidance of Alistair Mowat and Andrew Dryden.

Congratulations guys! These two were officially sworn in at the UWCSA meeting yesterday, and will take over from the girls come September.

Andrew swears by the power of the Oxford Classical Dictionary and in the name of Zeus that he will do all kinds of things that Jennesa made up on the spot. 

Alistair swears (also by the power of the Oxford Classical Dictionary and in the name of Zeus) that he'll do great things and use that Bratz doll we found in a box by the trash can to keep 
Andrew in line if necessary. 

Andrew felt left out so we found him a blonde version of the Bratz doll for him.  I hope the dolls stick around for enough years, being passed down from one chairperson to the next, that nobody remembers where they came from and it is a source of mystery and wonder to all.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Michelle Day!


It was your Birthday yesterday!
Sorry for being so slow ... I hope this wonderful video makes up for it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pub Crawl

Toga Pub Crawl

It's happening. For real. You should probably show up.

Friday, January 28th.

Here's our Schedule:
Meet at the Lo Pub at 7pm.
Stumble to the King's Head when we're done there.
Crawl to Shannon's after that.
Taxi home to sleep it off.

If you're showing up later and want to find out where we are, call/text Jen at 232-5816. 

Also check out the Facebook event here.

Monday, January 10, 2011


New time for UWCSA meetings:

Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm
Starting Wed, January 12th
common room (4th floor Graham)

Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For Sale


Now on sale for only $10
Available through any Classics Students Association Member
or e-mail

Text reads: 
caution: contents may be hot
(in Greek at the top, and Latin at the bottom)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Alistair Day!

Dear Ali,

It's your Birthday TODAY! Did you know that?
I'm a little slow with the well-wishing today, but I hope it was a blast!

Dear everyone else,
Please find below one of the many reasons that Alistair is probably the most awesome person you will ever meet.