Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AIA Lectures

On Sunday, November 7th at 3pm in 237 University College (UofM)
Dr. Steven Tuck from Miami University will give a presentation entitled

De Arte Gladiatoria: Recovering Gladiatorial Tactics from Artistic Sources

Lectures are free and open to everyone


For your entertainment

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The UW Classics Club wants you to

Dress like a Greek or Roman Zombie

for the
Zombie Walk
on Saturday Oct 23rd

Meet in the common room (4G07) at 7:15pm

Sunday, October 17, 2010

AIA Lectures

 Sunday 24 October 2010 @ 3PM  237 University College

 "Resurrecting Dead Romans: Reconstructing the Lives
of Slaves and Freedmen from Their Tombs and Epitaphs"
Dr. Linda Maria Gigante
Department of Fine Arts, University of Louisville
 This lecture will focus on the funerary art of Rome's slaves and freed persons, in particular tombs and epitaphs dated to the first and second centuries CE.
Scholars in the field of Roman studies have witnessed significant developments in the interdisciplinary examination of slaves and former slaves.  References to the non elite in ancient sources provide us with an insightful perspective on the ways in which privileged Romans regarded the lower echelon of society.  Additionally, there are large numbers of epitaphs from the city of Rome commemorating slaves and freed persons, as well as tombs in which they were interred by family members, patrons, and colleagues. 


Picture this:

     illo modo volvo


(only in silhouette)
(translates loosely to 'that's how I roll')

Don't you want a t-shirt that looks like that?

How convenient! You can order one for only $20.
Sign up in the common room
and give your money to Jennesa by October 27th.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pub Night

Pub Night

This Friday - Oct 15th

@ Kings Head Pub

Free Appetizers

Be there.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bake Sale


to everyone who helped out with the bake sale today (including those of you who helped by eating). Everything was delicious.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The best video yet

Bake Sale

Don't forget!

Bake Sale

Monday, October 4th

2nd floor by the escalators
11am ish - 2:30pm ish

Come by and buy something or drop off your contribution at the table or in the fridge in the common room beforehand (label it 'bake sale' and we'll take it down with us).