Friday, February 26, 2010

Colloquium Deadline

Reminder - the deadline for colloquium submissions is today - Friday, February 26th.  If you are interested in presenting, please fill out the form before the end of the day.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch.  Schedule will be posted within the next few days.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Stop by the bake sale on Thursday (2nd floor by the escalators) to check out the prize packages for the Classics Challenge!

Top three contestants will win a prize - first place finisher gets first choice.

Prize #1 - Laptop bag/backpack (donated by the on-campus computer store), a night at the movies for two ($20 Cineplex gift card), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Prize #2 - Dinner for two at Kristina's on Corydon ($50 gift certificate for an excellent Greek restaurant), UofW sweatshirt & t-shirt (donated by the bookstore), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Prize #3 - DVDs (Clash of the Titans, 300, Troy, Troy Documentary), candy, popcorn, UofW pen & pencil set (donated by the bookstore), UofW Classics club t-shirt

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bake Sale

Bake sale this Thursday (Feb 25th) by the escalators on the 2nd floor.

Bring your change and come hungry!

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 28th to submit your response.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 28th to submit your response.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Classics Night

Don't forget about movie night tomorrow!

Thursday, February 18th - 5:30pm at St. Vital mall we're meeting outside of Chapters to have some delicious food court meals then going to see the 6:45 showing of Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.

Good times are sure to ensue!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bonus Challenge #3

25  bonus points will be awarded to anyone who participates in the student Colloquium on March 6th.  All of the details can be found in earlier blog posts. Deadline for submissions is February 26th. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Points Chart

The detailed list of points will be posted here each week.  The totals will be posted in the chart on the right side of the blog each week.

Name #1 easy #1 hard #1 bonus #2 easy #2 hard #2 bonus Total
C. Boulley 5 8 0 9 10 0 32
Jared 0 0 0 9 0 0 9
E. Bergen 0 0 0 9 0 0 9
L. Walters-Unrau 0 0 0 7 0 2 9
B. Restall 3 5 0 0 0 0 8
L. Broderick 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
A. Mowat 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your response.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your answer.

Bonus Challenge #2

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 21st to submit your response.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hint for Bonus Challenge #1

If you are having trouble finding the Greek letters, just check with our sponsors (UW Classics Department, UW Bookstore, on-campus Computer Store).

Dinner and a Movie

Classics night is here again!

Thursday, February 18th
at 5:30pm

meet us at the St. Vital food court outside of Chapters
to enjoy delicious food court meals
then watch (at 6:45pm):

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Just look for the Classics Club t-shirts to find us.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Answers to Challenges from previous weeks will be posted in the comments section of each Challenge.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week #1 Answers

If you submitted an answer for week #1, but did not receive a confirmation e-mail, please e-mail

Easy Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 14th to submit your answer.

Hard Question

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 14th to submit your answer.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Latin Dictionary Anyone?

Here's a little something for those of you struggling through Latin and getting sick of spending so much time looking words up in your dictionary ...

It's a Latin dictionary program called Words.  Such a time saver, and generally very reliable. Just click the link and follow the download instructions.

A big thanks to Alex for finding this one!

If anyone ever finds an equivalent program for Greek - let me know!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Challenge #1

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7th to submit your answer.

Challenge #1

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7th to submit your answer.

Bonus Challenge

You have until 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th to submit your answer.